Career Connected Learning


Career Connected Learning

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Career and Technical Education (CTE) and the Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD) form the Washington Career Connected Learning network. This network's goal is to provide coherent and aligned technical assistance and professional learning. Our work is data-informed and strategically focused on building equitable student access, increasing system capacity, and ensuring positive outcomes for all students.

Our goal is to support Career Connect WA and promote successful development and expansion of CTE graduation pathways for school districts on the Olympic Peninsula.

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Career board

Explore, Prep, Launch

Choosing a career is a journey that begins in pre-K.  Students start this journey with career awareness then move towards career exploration and preparation.  While in high school students are challenged to decide what they wish to do "after high school."  While there are many options after graduation, such as attend college or trade school, join the military, or enter the workforce directly, students depend on their families, teachers and counselors to help guide them in this decision making.  

Choosing a career is a journey that begins in pre-K. Students start this journey with career awareness then move towards career exploration and preparation. While in high school students are challenged to decide what they wish to do "after high school." While there are many options after graduation, such as attend college or trade school, join the military, or enter the workforce directly, students depend on their families, teachers and counselors to help guide them in this decision making.

Career Connect Washington believes that every Washington student deserves meaningful work and a prosperous life, and that there are many pathways open to them. Career Connect WA programs allow students to learn while they earn in one of our state's high demand, high-wage careers.

Subscribe To the CCL monthly newsletter

If you have not yet subscribed to Career Connected Learning's newsletter, you can do so by clicking the button below and signing up using our online form. 

Subscribe To the CCL monthly newsletter

If you have not yet subscribed to Career Connected Learning's newsletter, you can do so by clicking the button below and signing up using our online form. 

General Resources

Please Note: Many of the links below go to external websites.

College Planning and Exam Resources

A study plan is an effective way to help you navigate through your college education in an organized way.
Discover proven tricks to help you recall information on test day and learn about other tricks to help your coursework.
Learn how to save time and energy by using effective note-taking strategies for both traditional and online classes. Explore ways to use good judgement.
Learn the different symptoms and causes of stress.
Learn how to perform better on test day by following some simple test-taking tips. Explore ways to be fully mentally prepared as well.
College students with disabilities have rights that allow for specific accommodations to help them succeed in school. Learn about legal protections, scholarships, technologies, and other assistance available to students with disabilities.
This guide provides critical information for students with learning disabilities who want to enroll in online courses. It provides important information such as securing and using accommodations, locating assistive technologies, and navigating online course sites.
Learn about college accommodations and resources available to students with mental health disorders. Plus, helpful apps, scholarships, and expert advice.
Working on inspection of machine

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