
OESD Fees (these are in addition to OSPI fees)

  • Applications for new certificates from out-of-state candidates - $45.00
  • Applications from educators in districts outside of the OESD 114 cooperative area - $45.00
  • Renewal/additional endorsement applications from educators in the OESD 114 certification cooperative (districts in the OESD service area plus Bainbridge Island and Peninsula School Districts) - no fee
  • Limited applications (except Substitute) from educators in the OESD 114 cooperative - no fee

Certification hours

The Certification Officer is available Mondays - Fridays, year around: a half-hour lunch is taken between Noon-12:30 pm.

Walk-ins are welcome, but it is recommended that you call before coming in, to ensure the Certification Officer will be available. Call 360-478-6870.

OESD 114 is located at:


Please contact our Jennifer McCarter for any questions you may have.

Jennifer Berry
Certification Officer
(360) 478-6870

Application process

Most applications are available online at OSPI-Certification. Educators should apply online and upload supporting documentation. The OSPI fees can by paid online when applying.

After applying online, if the educator desires OESD 114 to process the application, he/she should send a request to the certification officer. Include name, date of birth, email address and, if required, a $45.00 check payable to OESD 114.

If no fees are required, an email request may be made to certification@oesd114.org

If a paper application is submitted to OESD 114, a check covering all applicable fees--OSPI fees if not previously paid online to OSPI and OESD 114 fees--should be included, payable to OESD 114.

Application Information

Applications are submitted online via the OSPI E-Certification system.

Washington State has several different applications, dependent on the role. Applications are available for Teachers, Substitutes, Limited Certificates, Educational Staff Associates (School Counselors, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, School Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists & School Speech and Language Pathologists), Administrators (Principals, Program Administrators & Superintendents) and Career and Technical Educators.

Paper applications are no longer available for most roles. Online applications are available at http://www.k12.wa.us/Certification/e-Cert/default.aspx. Many applications require forms to be completed by your university or other organization. Those forms will be available when you choose the appropriate application.

All applicants who do not hold a current Washington certificate must be fingerprinted for a background check. If you are in Washington, contact the nearest ESD for a fingerprint appointment. If you are not currently in Washington but want to start the fingerprint process, contact an ESD and request that a fingerprint card and instructions be mailed to you.

Applications most commonly used:
  • If you have a teaching certificate in another state, but are new to Washington State and need either a Washington State Teaching Certificate or Substitute Teaching Certificate, use the Residency/Substitute Teacher Certification Application.
  • If you are applying for a new Educational Staff Associate certificate: school counselor or school psychologist – use the Residency ESA application; school nurse, school occupational therapist, school physical therapist, school speech language pathologist or Audiologist, or school social worker – use the Initial ESA application.
  • If you are applying for a new administrator certificate, use the Residency Administrator application (principal or program administrator) or Initial Administrator application (Superintendent).
  • If you are not eligible for a regular teacher certificate (you have never completed a teacher preparation program in college and have never held a regular teacher certificate in another state), you can apply for an Emergency Substitute certificate. A school district must be ready to hire you as an Emergency Substitute before you can apply. The application process is a little complicated. First, you must create an account in the E-Cert system at http://www.k12.wa.us/Certification/e-Cert/default.aspx. Be sure to include your social security number. Next, the school district(s) wanting to hire you must look up your record, using your social security number, and complete a District Request for Emergency Substitute form. After the district has done so, you can log back in and at the Welcome screen click on Apply for a Washington Credential Here. The Emergency Substitute application should be in the list of available applications.
  • If you are renewing your Continuing, Professional, or residency certificate, you need enter into E-Cert all of your continuing education (clock hours or credits), or your Professional Growth Plans.To do so, log into your account and at the Welcome screen click on View Your Credentials Here. Hover over the Educator tab at the top, and choose Professional Development from the drop down list. Then click on the bottom line that says Click Here to Add Professional Development Hours. Note that you cannot enter National Board Certificate information. That information is uploaded automatically to OSPI’s database. (If you completed your National Boards while not in Washington, you will need to provide a copy of your certificate to OSPI – you should be able to upload a .pdf copy to your account.)
  • If your Continuing Teacher certificate has lapsed, you can reinstate it using the Continuing Certificate Reinstatement application. You must have 100 clock hours and/or the equivalent in credits, all earned within the five year period going back from the date your reinstatement application is received. You must provide proof of the 100 hours by providing transcripts. Finally, if you do not hold another valid certificate, such as a Substitute certificate, you must be fingerprinted for a background check.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is ultimately the certificate holder’s responsibility to keep certificates current. Human Resources, ESD and OSPI staff may try to assist, but the onus is on the educator to know the expiration dates and to complete next steps in certification.

You may not perform in your role without valid certification (WAC 181.86.011).

Have other questions?

Contact our Certification Officer by emailing Certification@oesd114.org

Click on a link below to visit their respective site

Basic Skills Testing West-B

This includes study guides, test dates, test sites, and registration information.

West-E Endorsement Area Tests

The West-E tests are the only endorsement tests currently approved by the Washington State Professional Educator's Standards Board and are required for all new teachers to the state of Washington within the first twelve months.  This includes study guides, test dates, test sites and registration information.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Washington State's Website regarding certification.

PESB Info on Professional Growth Plans (PGPs)
The Professional Educator Standards Board website has a great informational page on PGPs with downloads, FAQs, and support materials.

Washington Approved Preparation Programs

If you are a prospective student, this lists the college contacts for education programs, as well as what endorsements and certificates each college can offer.

Washington Education Association

For job searching in Washington, this is Washington Education Association's website listing of all WA school districts and direct links to their human resources websites.   Select the Learn, Improve, Grow Tab and then Find a Job/Career Link.

Teaching Certification Requirements in Other States

A resource maintained by the University of Kentucky, links you to other state certification websites.