Clock Hours

Clock Hour Program Services

OESD 114 is an authorized approving agency for Washington State clock hours. OESD 114 complies with the requirements of WAC: 181-85-033, 181-85-045, 181-85-200, 181-85-205, and RCW 28A.415.040.

OESD 114 retains clock hour records for the requisite 7 calendar years.
Requests to register clock hours beyond the required 7-year period cannot be guaranteed.

Among the services we deliver are:

  • Provide clock hours to districts and organizations in the Olympic ESD 114 region for classes of benefit to teachers. Olympic ESD 114 is a Washington State approving agency for clock hours.
  • Register your clock hours (**note: OESD clock hours are not considered earned until paid for and recorded on your transcript**)
  • Clock hour fees increased to $3 per clock hour on September 1, 2018 (this applies to both old and new clock hour requests)
    Maintain a database of earned clock hours.
  • Provide transcripts to participating districts twice a year.
  • Provide transcripts to you on request (cost is $5.00 per transcript).
  • Offer classes in a wide range of content areas, and offer clock hours for those classes. Click here to see the current class schedule.
  • Sponsoring clock hours for classes offered by online clock hour partners

*NO CASH accepted at this location!*


Heather Archut
Professional Development Administrative Assistant
Phone: 360.405.5801

What's New

Integrating pdEnroller and EDS

Beginning January 2021, clock hours that are earned through pdEnroller will automatically be uploaded into OSPI’s E-Certification system.  These will only be applied to clock hours that were earned starting on July 1, 2015, and for educators who have both an EDS and pdEnroller account.   For more information, or to confirm that your EDS and pdEnroller account are linked, please click here:

Please also take this time to update your pdEnroller user account.  If you have more than one account in pdEnroller please contact Heather Archut at and request an account merge.  Please provide the email address for both (or all if more than 2) accounts and let us know which email address/account you would like to have as your primary log in.

How to Request Clock Hours for Your Training

A clock hour proposal must be submitted to OESD via the pdEnroller Clock Hour Proposal System, and OESD must approve it PRIOR to the beginning of any training per the Washington Administrative Code (WAC 181-85-205).

Clock Hour Proposals are submitted online via pdEnroller

Contact Heather Archut if you require proposal system access. Click the button below to download a PDF Tutorial.

** PdEnroller will be going through updates in our proposal process.  If you have any questions please reach out to us. **


Contact Heather Archut

To provide clock hours, the in-service offering must be at least one (1) hours WAC 181-85-030 (6). One (1) clock hour may be assigned for each 60 minutes of approved in-service offering. This can include “reasonable” time for break and passing time. The clock hour provider can determine what is reasonable.

Clock Hours MAY NOT be offered for:

  • Routine staff meetings to discuss or explain operational policies or administrative practices within the agency, district, or building
  • Business meetings of professional associations to discuss operational policies or practices of the association
  • Social hours or actual meal time

Content of Trainings

Offerings (must relate to one or more of the following): WAC 181-85-200(5)

  • Opportunities to collect and analyze evidence related to student learning
  • Professional certification standards
  • School and district improvement efforts
  • K—12 standards and curriculum alignment
  • Current or anticipated research based instructional strategies and assessment practices
  • Building a collaborative learning community
  • Advocacy for students, leadership, supervision, mentoring/coaching

Instructor Qualifications WAC 181-85-200(2):

  • All in-service education instructors shall have academic and/or professional experience which specifically qualifies them to conduct the in-service education program (e.g. a person with expertise in a particular subject, field, or occupation)
  • Event registration materials and/or agenda/conference programs need to provide a short description of the qualifications of each instructor
  • In-service education instructors will be responsible for and must ensure collection of sign-in sheets and evaluations

Materials (for each offering): WAC 181-85-200(2)(4)

  • Agenda must have dates and times of each presentation and content and outcomes clearly articulated
  • Agenda must have the names and a short description of qualifications of each instructor. e.g. degrees and current professional position
  • Program materials available to ALL attendees
  • Sign-in sheet for attendees
  • Event evaluation completed by participants
  • If courses are not approved as clock hours prior to holding them, the rules do not allow for courses to be approved retro-actively. Courses cannot be offered for clock hours prior to approval date.

Registering your Clock Hours

OESD clock hours are not considered earned until paid for and recorded on your transcript.

OESD 114 retains clock hour records for the requisite 7 calendar years.
Requests to register clock hours beyond the required 7-year period cannot be guaranteed.

Click here for a user guide.

Clock hours are used to:

  • Renew Continuing, Residency, and Professional certificates (100 clock hours or 10 credits from a regionally accredited college or institution are required each renewal cycle)
  • Salary enhancement (move up on the pay scale). Ten clock hours is equivalent to 1 quarter credit

How to register hours

Current clock hours (after January 2017) may be registered online via pdEnroller.

If clock hours were requested and approved by OESD 114 for a training after January 2017, there is no clock hour form provided. After the training, once the attendance has been entered into pdEnroller, participants will receive a confirmation email. At this time, participants can log into pdEnroller to complete the workshop evaluation/survey and pay for earned clock hours online. Log in, click on the Clock Hours dropdown, and select My Clock Hours from the menu. Pending classes will be listed in the queue with "Next Actions" to the right of each title. Once payment is made and the survey is complete, the class is automatically recorded to an individual's transcript. A confirmation page may be printed, but does not need to be sent to OESD 114. This is for your records.

Requests for older clock hours sponsored by OESD 114 (prior to January 2017):

If clock hours were requested and approved by OESD 114 for a training, Request for Clock Hours forms were provided on the last day of the training. Note: Minimum attendance of three hours is required in order to be eligible for clock hours. (Effective September 1, 2019 a minimum of one (1) clock hour earned on or after this date will be accepted).

The Request for Clock Hours form must be completed and mailed to us with payment. The cost is now $3.00 per clock hour. Older forms do not reflect his increased rate, but the $3/hour rate does apply on ALL clock hour requests (old or new). For each form submitted more than 90 days after the training, a $10.00 research fee is also required. Clock hours are not considered earned until paid for and authorized by OESD 114. Once authorized by OESD 114 and the clock hours have been entered into pdEnroller, the request form will be returned to the individual with the verification portion completed showing the individual earned the clock hours.

Send all forms with appropriate payment to:

Olympic ESD 114
Attn: Clock Hour Payments
105 National Ave N.
Bremerton, WA 98312.

Clock hours provided by another Washington State approved clock hour provider:

On occasion an individual will attend a training which has the clock hours provided by another approving agency, such as OSPI or another ESD. In those cases, payment for the clock hours, if required, goes to the approving agency.

If the clock hours will be used for salary enhancement, after the form is signed by the approving agency or designee it then must be sent to OESD 114 to be put on the individual’s transcript. Our fee for transcribing those clock hours to the transcript is $3.00, regardless of the number of clock hours or date of the inservice. Note: forms from other providers must be signed by the provider before being sent to OESD 114. We cannot accept them without the provider signature.

When the clock hours have been entered into our database, the form will be returned to the individual.

To clarify which clock hours must be registered with OESD 114, refer to the chart below:

Do I HAVE to register my clock hours with OESD 114?

Using clock hours for:

Clock Hours Provided by OESD 114

Clock Hours provided by another agency (OSPI, WEA, ESD’s, etc)

Certification only



Pay enhancement



(after registering them with the provider, if required by that provider)

Cost to register with OESD 114

$3.00 per hour

Fee increased to $3.00 per hour on September 1, 2018

$3.00 flat fee

(after registering them with the provider,
if required by that provider)

Remember: Clock hours are not considered earned until registered with the providing agency.

Lost Request for Clock Hours Forms

If you have lost a request form, or neglected to pick one up at a class, you should complete a Research Request Form. Fill in as much information about the class as possible (we approve clock hours for over 1200 in services each year, so finding the correct class can be tedious) and mail it to us with a check for $10.00. We will do everything possible to find the right class and send you a Request for Clock Hours form for the class.

Frequently Asked Questions

Clock Hour Transcripts

OESD 114 provides transcripts to the school district Human Resource offices twice a year if part of our clock hour consortium,, normally in Spring and Fall. We provide transcripts only for those individuals who have registered clock hours since the previous transcript run.

Individual teachers may request a clock hour transcript at any time. The cost is $5.00 per transcript. Please complete a Clock Hour Transcript Request Form and mail it along with a check.

Please Note: We maintain two separate databases for clock hour transcripts. The older system became too cumbersome and costly, so we began using a new system in August 2005. At that time, we gave the school districts a transcript for everyone in the system. We no longer provide them to the districts except on special request. We do provide a transcript from the older system to individual teachers the first time they request a transcript. The older system may no longer be available in the future.