Knowledge Bowl


Knowledge Bowl

Each year high school students throughout the Olympic ESD region participate in three regional Knowledge Bowl competitions.  Knowledge Bowl is an academic competition where each team has the opportunity to answer 250 questions in a variety of categories.

Once a team has buzzed in they have 15 seconds to respond with the correct answer to receive a point. Those teams winning their division at the final competition will advance to the state tournament.

For more information about OESD 114's Knowledge Bowl

Please contact Sarah Freitas.

Sarah Freitas
Olympic ESD 114 Knowledge Bowl Coordinator

The "Traveling" Trophy

The team who receives the most overall points in the final Knowledge Bowl competition of each season wins the right to take the "traveling trophy" back to their school for the year. This tradition dates back to the first season of Knowledge Bowl in the 1980-1981 school year. The winning team's school and the names of team members are engraved for posterity.

During the 2007-2008 Knowledge Bowl season, a new base was added to the trophy. It was crafted by students in Port Townsend High School's carpentry class, taught by Jim Guthrie, who was also Port Townsend High School's Knowledge Bowl coach at the time.

The History of Trophy Winners

Click the accordion below to see past winners.

FAQs and Resources

Frequently Asked Questions


Nifty Knowledge Bowl Stuff
Free Practice Questions and Resources

Other ESD Knowledge Bowl Pages
Please Note: All links go to to external websites. Some links have also been removed due to being no longer valid.

Other Academic Competitions
Past Seasons

Past Knowledge Bowl Seasons

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