Services At Early Learning
Head Start, Early Head Start, and ECEAP
Our federally funded Head Start/Early Head Start and Washington's State funded Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) options are family-centered programs for children from low-income families. Children ages of birth to age five years old and prenatal mothers are eligible for services. Program options include center-based and home-based care.
Our Home Visiting program serves families from pregnancy through age five. A qualified Home Visitor will visit and support you and your child once weekly for 90-minutes. There are also monthly play groups which provide an opportunity for children and families to interact and play together.
Our Center Based programs include full day care and part day care options. Qualified primary caregivers and teachers will support you and your child in a developmentally appropriate and child centered environment. Multiple opportunities are available for you to participate in your child's learning and development.
We work with community families who demonstrate the highest need for support, providing a strengths-based approach and nurturing environments where children can learn, thrive, and develop on their journey towards school readiness. It is through this same strengths-based approach that we partner with families as the first and most important educator in their child’s life. The three tenets of our program focus on:
Children—the whole child
- Developmentally appropriate, intentional play-based activities
- Early and ongoing developmental screenings and assessments
- Individualized Learning Plans based on the family’s informed developmental goals
- Individualized lesson and home visit planning based on children’s strengths and goals
Families—the first and most important educator
- Strengths-based assessment and goal planning
- Linkage with community resources and supports
- Support in advocating for child and family needs
Health and Wellness—physical and mental wellness
- Early and ongoing physical health screenings and assessments
- Early and ongoing social emotional screenings and assessments
- Tracking of immunization status, Well Child and Dental exams
- Oral health education
- Nutrition support
- Mental health supports
The three tenets come together to provide a rich environment in which children and families are honored, supported, are cared for, and can thrive.
"Know me for my abilities, not my disability."
Robert M. Hensel
The OESD Early Learning Program is a special place for all children ages birth to 5 years old, including children with disabilities. We are committed to working with families to ensure that their children, including those with significant disabilities, receive the comprehensive services they need to meet their developmental, health, and social needs. In addition, we are also committed to continuously meeting the mandated 10 percent or more of enrollment opportunities for children with disabilities.
Give Your Child Every Opportunity with OESD Early Learning
- Receive services and support in a standard classroom
- Develop the learning and social skills necessary to enter school
- Interact with all students to develop positive attitudes toward children with special needs
- Connect to services through partnerships with local districts, Holly Ridge Infant/Toddler Program, and other community resources
Collaboration with the local school districts, Holly Ridge Infant/Toddler Program, and other Local Education Agencies (LEA) is an essential component in making the OESD Early Learning Centers an inclusive and natural environment.
OESD's Early Learning Program provides a support group for families of children with special needs. The group meets twice a month and is intended for families who are currently enrolled in our program.

A Caring, Qualified Staff
View this short, animated video to find out about a family’s experience when they learn that their child has a special need. Explore how staff can support and partner with families through this experience.
Ongoing recruitment of children with disabilities is conducted throughout the year
Call TODAY to apply or Learn More
Click here to apply now -or- contact us at 360.478.6889.
Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND)
“Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) is a video coaching program that aims to strengthen positive interactions between caregivers and children. FIND was developed by Dr. Phil Fisher and colleagues.
It uses select clips of adults engaging with children to reinforce developmentally supportive interactions, or what’s known as “serve and return.” This simple, practical approach emphasizes caregivers’ strengths and capabilities.” ~Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University.
For more information on engaging in FIND at your licensed child care facility contact 360-478-6889.

Policy Council
In addition to many other ways to be involved in your child’s education, one of the ways that Head Start/ECEAP/Early Head Start includes families is to be involved in Policy Council; a formal meeting structure for families and community members.
We believe that family involvement and leadership are crucial to the success of our Head Start, Early Head Start, and ECEAP programs. Policy Council is the key decision and policy-making body for our Early Learning program.
Policy Council representatives, who are elected by their respective sites, work together with program administrators and the the Olympic Educational Service District 114's Board of Directors to make the decisions that directly affect children and families. Policy Council members participate in program planning and development, and approve all personnel and budget recommendations. Policy Council members include:
- Parents of currently enrolled children
- Parents who have had a child in the program in previous years
- Community agency representatives drawn from organizations that provide services, support, and/or resources to the families we serve
Establishing a Policy Council in each Head Start agency in the United States is a federal requirement of the federal Head Start Performance Standards. Establishing a Policy Council in each ECEAP agency in the state of Washington is a state requirement of the state ECEAP Performance Standards. The purpose of Policy Council is:
- To create an organized way for program parents/guardians/grandparents and community representatives to provide input into Olympic ESD 114 Head Start/ECEAP/Early Head Start early childhood programs; and
- To partner with staff and Olympic ESD 114 Board of Directors and Administration to share in decisions regarding overall program planning and operations as described in the Head Start Performance Standard
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Become an Early Learning staff member or substitute in Head Start/ECEAP/Early Head Start - for more information, call 360.478.6889. Click the button below to see available opportunities.