Olympic ESD STEM Hotspot
We are the STEM Hotspot at OESD114, connecting teachers to content knowledge, STEM professionals, classroom best practices, and standards from math, science, CTE, ELA, and computer science.
OESD 114 STEM Vision
STEM is a change in mindset that supports the integration of the standards and associated instructional shifts in math, science, engineering, technology and English Language Arts in service of a classroom experience that supports discovery, problem solving, and communication to provide equity and access to college and career readiness.
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STEM Office Hours
Individual STEM support is available by appointment! Get one-on-one help on any STEM activity, lesson, or unit.Â
By Appointment; Email Kim at to schedule.Â

Learning Management System Trainings
Need to learn more about Canvas, Google Classrooms, Schoology, SeeSaw, or Microsoft Teams? The Washington Association of ESDs is offering FREE training in all of these! Click here to learn more and to register!
Meet the Olympic ESD STEM-bassadors
Tamara Smith
Math Coordinator
Tamara’s current STEM interest is developing teachers’ understanding of mathematical modeling. She taught secondary mathematics in New York & Maryland, prior to coming to Washington. Her work at the Olympic ESD began twelve years ago with the NO LIMIT! technology grant and has expanded to include state-wide initiatives such as elementary math specialist endorsement, the Bridge to College transition course, and teacher leadership.
Jeff Ryan
Regional Science Coordinator
Jeff has worked with Olympic ESD for over eleven years supporting science education reform efforts in various initiatives. He began his career as a science educator working with the Pacific Science Center and then as a middle school math and science teacher in the Crescent School District. He most recently has focused his efforts on supporting our districts with implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards.
Clancy Wolf
DODEA Coordinator
Clancy has worked with students, teachers, and researchers from Forks, Washington to Key West, Florida, exploring how students learn science and challenging students to think about their role in the world around them. Clancy is currently working with Olympic ESD and the Bremerton School District to add elements of Ambitious Science Teaching to the elementary school Science Kit materials.
Kim Weaver
STEM Coordinator
Kim has a background as an ecosystem restoration engineer, as well as a math, computer science and engineering teacher. She coordinates our NASA programs and MSP Grant. Kim embodies the meaning of STEM with her ability to bring enthusiasm, science, and engineering to any topic.
Patricia Beuke
Director of Learning Support
Patricia brings a wealth of educational experience as a teacher, principal, district administrator and professional trainer. She has served at the classroom, building, district, regional and state level bringing a passionate emphasis on literacy that is integrated into all disciplines of STEM.