Schools of Distinction Award recipients are recognized for being in the top 5% of improvement for their levels. Elementary and middle schools are recognized for sustained improvement in reading/ELA and math achievement. High schools are recognized for sustained improvement in graduation rate over the past five years.
For more information, click here.
Congratulations to:
- Clallam Bay High & Elementary (Cape Flattery School District)
- Neah Bay Jr-Sr High (Cape Flattery School District)
- Crescent High School (Crescent School District)
- Silver Ridge Elementary (Central Kitsap School District)
- Woodlands Elementary (Central Kitsap School District)
- Fairview Middle School (Central Kitsap School District)
- Roosevelt Elementary (Port Angeles School District)
Clallam Bay High & Elementary and Neah Bay Jr-Sr High (Cape Flattery School District): Pictured: OESD Board member Shirley Johnson,Neah Bay Secondary principal Jennifer Sikes, Callam Bay Principal Kris Hanson, all five Cape Flattery school board members, Greg Colfax, Don Baker, Dan Elvrum, Tracey Rascon and John Stubbs, Cape Flattery Superintendent Michelle Parkin, OESD Superintendent Greg Lynch

Crescent High School (Crescent School District) Pictured Left to Right: Crescent Superintendent David Bingham, Student Rep to the Board Kyle Buchanan, Board member Ann Chang, Board member Lee Evinger, Board member Dara Peppard, Student Rep to the Board Acacia Bergstrom, Board Vice Chair Susan Hopper, Board Chair Trisha Haggerty, Washington Legislator Mike Chapman.

Silver Ridge Elementary (Central Kitsap School District) Pictured Left to Right: CKSD Board President Jeanie Schulze, Janice Gurry, Donna Giese, Catherine Townsend, Andrea Elves, Suzanne Rich, Nicole King, Nicole King, Tami Wojcek, OESD Superintendent Greg Lynch, Silver Ridge Principal Lisa Hawkins, Julie Dammarell, CKSD Superintendent David McVicker

Woodlands Elementary (Central Kitsap School District) Pictured Left to Right: CKSD Superintendent David McVicker, Ilene Bothwell, Lori Woodward, Leslie Waymire, Kristi Kreifels, Linsey Darkow, Woodlands Principal Amy Archuleta, OESD Superintendent Greg Lynch, CKSD Board President Jeanie Schulze

Fairview Middle School (Central Kitsap School District) Pictured Left to Right: Steve Bellande, Diana Rutnam, Hayden Edwards, Kristi Jones, Martha Patterson, Janet Groulik, Tawnee Heino, Shirley Sours, OESD Superintendent Greg Lynch, Fairview Principal Adrienne Nestor, Assistant Principal Monday Galbreath, CKSD Board President Jeanie Schulze, CKSD Superintendent David McVicker

Roosevelt Elementary (Port Angeles School District) – Pictured: Roosevelt Staff, Port Angeles Superintendent Marc Jackson, Assistant Superintendent Chuck Lisk, OESD Board member Shirley Johnson and OESD Superintendent Greg Lynch.