n recognition of Board Appreciation Month as declared in the Governor’s Proclamation, a special card signed by OESD staff was presented to the OESD Board members on January 21, 2016, thanking them for their dedicated service and countless hours of volunteer time. Our OESD Board of Directors encompasses a deep and unique history of educational backgrounds, expertise, and wisdom that benefit not only staff, but all of the students and families in our Olympic region and beyond. Without their willingness to donate countless hours to reading documents, discussing details, addressing challenges, making decisions, attending conferences, and committing to attending meetings, educational momentum would be immobilized. The daily work of our OESD staff and the outreach to our communities depends upon these great leaders! OESD Board of Directors – You are appreciated!
For more information on School Board Recognition Month, see the following links: Governor’s Proclamation WSSDA Press Release