On Monday, April 16, 2018, Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) Region 114 held its annual Regional Awards dinner at the Clearwater Resort in Suquamish. Dinner hosts Dana Rosenbach, WASA Region 114 President, and Greg Lynch, Olympic ESD Superintendent, welcomed 100 attendees to a room filled with celebration and gratitude.
Community Leadership Awards were presented by each district superintendent to community members or groups who have dedicated tremendous and meaningful support to schools. Their efforts have had a significant impact on education in our region. One by one, district superintendents shared remarkable stories of volunteer work by the honorees. Special recognition was presented to North Kitsap School District Assistant Superintendent Chris Willits and Port Angeles School District Superintendent Marc Jackson, as they both received the WASA Retirement Award.
Below is a list of the honorees along with some photos of the event:
Honorees by District:
- Bremerton School District – presented by Superintendent Aaron Leavell to Steve Rice and Paul Pazooki
- Brinnon School District – presented by Superintendent Trish Beathard to Theresa Corey, Britney Edwards, Brittany Murray, and Alicia Simmons, of the Parent Teacher Organization
- Cape Flattery School District – presented by Superintendent Michelle Parkin to Kandy Ritter
- Central Kitsap School District – presented by Superintendent David McVicker to Natalie Bryson and Dorothy Reincke of the Paul Linder Foundation
- Chimacum School District – presented by Superintendent Rick Thompson to Terry and Julie Umbreit of the East Jefferson Rotary Club
- North Kitsap School District – presented by Superintendent Laurynn Evans to the Tania Issa and Dick Lockwood of the North Kitsap Citizens for Quality Schools
- North Mason School District – presented by Superintendent Dana Rosenbach to Blaine Gunkel
- Port Angeles School District – presented by Assistant Superintendent Chuck Lisk to Mark and Patty Hannah
- South Kitsap School District – presented by Superintendent Karst Brandsma to the Marcia Coyne and Melissa Pittenger of the Ready for Kindergarten Program, and Erin Simon
WASA Retirement Awards:
- Presented by North Kitsap School District Superintendent Laurynn Evans to Assistant Superintendent Chris Willits.
- Presented by OESD Superintendent Greg Lynch to Port Angeles Superintendent Marc Jackson